- Information
Basic eye exam
The following are the basic Examinations that must be performed on all new patients.
Auto Ref/Kerato/Tono/Pachymeter TONOREF™ III
Overview; This machine enables to have the refraction test and measure intraocular pressure together.You will be asked to look through the device. We use a non-contact tonometry with an “air puff”to measure your intraocular pressure.
Purpose:Refraction test can help to determine the extent of poor vision and monitor a person who is being treated for an eye disease. Eye pressure measurement is used for determining whether you have glaucoma, a disease which causes pressure to build up inside your eyes and may result in blindness.
Medical device approval number: 227AABZ00095000
Visual Acuity Test
Overview: To determine the smallest letters a person can read on a standardized chart. In the test, you will be asked to tell the direction like "up", "down", "right", "left".
Purpose: To find the "best corrected vision" for any visual problems.
Slit lamp Examination
Overview: To examine the structures nearby your eyes. In the test, you will be asked to rest your chin and forehead on a support to keep your head steady.
Purpose: The ophthalmologist will examine the cornea, iris, lens and the anterior chamber.
Retinal Examination(Ophthalmoscopy)
Overview: To examine the back of your eye using a magnifying instrument (ophthalmoscope) and a light source.
Purpose: The ophthalmologist detects eye diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and atherosclerosis.