February and March’s schedule
Doctor’s schedule
We can schedule cataract surgery within 3 weeks.
Dry eyes

Treatment for Dry eyes syndrome(DES)

Dry eyes can be caused for some reason, which are decreased tear production, increased tear evaporation and an imbalance in the makeup of your tears. Basically eye drops are effective for these symptoms and, there are another remedies depends on what's causing your dry eyes

1. Imbalance of your tear volume

  • Artificial tear drops
  • Eye drops
    • Hyalein ophthalmic solution,
    • DIQUAS ophthalmic solution,
    • TEARBALANCE ophthalmic solution,
  • Tear duct plugs

    Tear duct plugs can decrease your eye dryness inserted them into your tear ducts. This increases the eye's tear film and surface moisture to relieve dry eyes. In our clinic. Three general types of tear duct plugs are available.

    • Superflex Plug

      Superflex Plug
      They are made of silicone. It has a wide range of size, so it fits with various lacrimal point size of each patient. They are superior in comfort and retainability.
      There are four tear ducts, one each on upper eyelid and bottom eyelid of both eyes. Despite people who has serious symptoms of dry eyes syndrome, plugs are usually placed on the bottm tear ducts. It could cause some problems by covering all tear ducts, since tears also help removing dust and other foreign matters. Also, it could make your eyes teary, and produce discharge.
      Medical device approval number: 21200ZY00283000
      Manufacturer: EAGLE VISION
      Importer and distributer: White Medical Co.,Ltd
      They have a large market share with a good reputation in comfort and retainability.
    • Keeptear

      They are made of collagen.
      They are liquid at first, but it solidifies due to body temperature. Since they are liquid, they are easy to fill the tear block, but once they change into gel, it blocks your tear duct with less irritation.

      The major component is water soluble collagen. It will eventually melt into your body.

      Therefore it is only effective for 2 months (there are individual differences, but it works for 7 months in average), but it is more comfortable and easier to try for people who wants to try punctal plug for the first time.
      Topical eye anesthetic will be used before inserting the plug into tear duct with a filler.

      Medical device approval number: 21900BZZ00027000
      It has a good reputation among collagen plugs.
    • Punctal Plug F

      Punctal Plug F
      The head of plug is designed to be hypodermic shape so that it makes easier for doctors to insert an object without measuring a size of lacrimal punctum.

      Besides, the plug is preliminarily set at an inserter in order to make it easier to put an inset in lacrimal point and reduce a posssible risk of being buried.

      Medical device approval number: 22100BZX0109300
Estimate cost
New Patient 1plug 2plugs
(Both eye)
(Both eye)
(Both eye)
Super Flex (Silicone) ¥5,190 ¥8,440 ¥9,790 ¥11,140
Collagen Plugs ¥8,440 ¥11,140
Punctal Plugs (Silicone) ¥5,190 ¥8,440 ¥9,970 ¥11,140

Return Patient 1plug 2plugs
(Both eye)
(Both eye)
(Both eye)
Super Flex (Silicone) ¥3,600 ¥6,840 ¥8,190 ¥9,550
Collagen Plugs ¥6,840 ¥8,190
Punctal Plugs (Silicone) ¥3,600 ¥6,840 ¥8,190 ¥9,550

2. Imbalance of quality in your tears

  • Artificial tear drops
  • Eye drops
    • Hyalein ophthalmic solution,
    • DIQUAS ophthalmic solution,
    • TEARBALANCE ophthalmic solution,
  • Hot fomentation
    Hot fomentation is a treatment to heat your eyes with a machine called Eye-Hot in order to secrete your tear and that will make proper mixture tear oil.
  • Meibomian gland expression or enucleating
    Your tear oil occasionally sticks in your tear duct and it cause sties. To prevent the diseases, pressed Meibomian gland is effective to remove stuck tear oil.

Office hours




11:30-18:30(no lunchtime.)


Our clinic is closed on 12/31, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3.


Higashiikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 170-0013

TEL: +81-3-3981-6363

・1-minute walk from Ikebukuro station east exit.

・Our clinic is on the right side of "LABI (Yamada Denki)".
The clinic is on the fifth floor of the building which "Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ" is on the first floor.



Please print and fill out this questionnaire for consultation in advance.



Online appointment


Doctor career

Director:Yoshiko Hori

(Registered Recipient of a Diploma of Ophthalmology Ph.D)
English fluent


Japanese Ophthalmological Society
Japan Ophtalmologists Association
Japan Cornea Society
Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons
Japanese Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery


1986: Graduate-School of Medicine of Iwate Medical University
1990: Post Graduate school of Iwate MedicalUniversity
1991: Iwate prefectural Ofunato hospital
1993: Department of Ophthalmology Iwate Medical University Instructor
1993: Schepens Eye Research Institute of Harvard University
1997: Department of Ophthalmology Tokyo Dental College
1997: Minami-Aoyama Eye Clinic
2008: Ichikawa general hospital Department of Ophthalmology Tokyo Dental College
2010: IkebukuroSunshineStreetEyeClinic(Director since 2010)

Main Thesis

The three-dimensional organization of collagen fibrils in the human cornea and sclera.(maiden name Komai)

Doctor:Yasuhiro Shinkawa

(Registered Recipient of a Diploma of Ophthalmology)


Japan Ophthalmological Society
Japanese Retina and Vitreous Society
Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Surgeons


2001: Graduate-Medical Department of Kumamoto University
2002: Department of Ophthalmology Kyoto University School of medicine
2002: Shimada Municipal Hospital
2008: Japanese Red Cross Society
2010: Kitano Hospital The Tazuke Kofukai Medical Research Institute
2014: Ikebukuro Sunshine Street Eye Clinic

We have 5 full-time service orthoptist, 3 part-time orthoptists, 1full-time nurse and 3 part-time nurses in our clinic.
Another several ophthalmologists are working here.